[Python] [PHP] Spoofed E-Mail Sender (SEMS)

Today I am going to present to you another free time fun project done by me to spend my free time. This is a Spoofed E-Mail Sending tool. Unlike other tools, this tool is using a PHP mail() function to handling E-Mails, so this tool required PHP mail() function enabled hosting service for hosting mail handler.

Before using this tool, you must host the two files (index.php and send.php) in the mailhandler folder. This hosting service must have PHP mail() function enabled. Otherwise, this tool won't work.

After that, this tool will be asked for the mail handler URL (Only for the first time). So, you have to copy the URL of the hosted send.php file and paste it on the input.

How to use this Tool

usage: python3 sems.py [-h] [--sN SN] [--sE SE] [--rE RE] [--sub SUB] [--msg MSG]

Simple Port Scanner for scanning TCP ports in target hosts

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --sN SN     Sender Name (Eg: "John Cena")
  --sE SE     Sender E-Mail Address (Eg: johncena@wwe.com)
  --rE RE     Recipient E-Mail Address (Eg: chan.96@gmail.com)
  --sub SUB   Type Subject (Eg: "See Me Chan")
  --msg MSG   Type Message (Eg: "You can see me brother. I know that.")

So, I hope you will enjoy my coding. Also, this tool is free to modify; you can make any changes that you like. I made the GitHub repository for this.

You can look over that and download here:- https://github.com/clasiru/Spoofed_E-Mail_Sender


  1. yes it's worked. Can you please explain how is it working(spoofing)

    1. Sure, there is a good explanation from Wikipedia >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing

  2. i'm confused but i really need this service so could you please send me any video tutorial for this software and thanks in advance

    1. Sorry, no video tutorial available for now. Please read the post carefully. All necessary steps are there.

    2. is this working on 000webhost ? or suggest working domain and thanks in advance

    3. Yes, 000webhost has PHP Mail enabled.

    4. sorry to disturb you again, i tried but nothing happened :( , please guide me _/\_

    5. Enter all options within same line,

      sems.py --sN SN --sE SE --rE RE --sub SUB --msg MSG

    6. sorry sir i didn't have much knowledge on python :( , i read carefully and followed your step but i don't know how to use, its okay thanks for your valuable reply

    7. thank you, but how to send the spoof mail :|| please help me this time, hereafter i won't disturb you again

    8. You must replace options like this (Note: These are examples only.)>

      sems.py --sN "Sender's Name" --sE sender@email.com --rE receiver@email.com --sub "Subject Here" --msg "Type your message here"

    9. thank you for valuable reply 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 you're the best once again thankyou very much

    10. hi is this possible to send message like this order

      Name : Mathews
      Age : 36
      D.O.B : 1984
      Location : India"


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