[Python] TCP Scanner (TCPS)

Today I am going to present to you another free time fun project done by me to spend my free time. This is a TCP Port Scanner. I call it TCP Scanner (TCPS). This is a straightforward program created by using Python version Three. I don't expect to compare this tool with Nmap, so don't expect many features.

You can perform TCP port scanning against any host within Intranet, Extranet & Internet by this tool. This tool can scan according to a given port range or a custom port(s) list or an inbuilt default port range.

How to use this tool

1. Usage:
usage: python3 tcps.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--default] [--list] [--pL PL [PL ...]] [--range] [--sP SP] [--eP EP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --host HOST       Enter IP address or Hostname
  --default         Use default port range (21, 22, 23, 80, 443)
  --list            Enable port list scanning
  --pL PL [PL ...]  Ports for port list scanning (Eg: --pL 21 22 80)
  --range           Enable port range scanning
  --sP SP           Starting port number for port range scanning (between 1 and 65534)
  --eP EP           Ending port number for port range scanning (between 1 and 65534)

2. Perform default ports scan:
python3 tcps.py --host  --default

3. Perform port(s) list scan:
python3 tcps.py --host  --list --pL 21 22 80 443

4. Perform port range scan:
python3 tcps.py --host  --range --sP 79 --eP 81

So, I hope you will enjoy my coding. Also, this tool is free to modify; you can make any changes that you like. I made the GitHub repository for this. You can look over that and download here:- https://github.com/clasiru/TCP_Scanner


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