Today I am going to explain another cool experiment done by me. Did you guys ever think about Computer Hacking with Arduino? Yes, that is possible. Most people are misunderstanding Arduino with a Rasberry-Pi. There are lots of differences between the Arduino board and the Rasberry-Pi. An Arduino is a Microcontroller motherboard while a Raspberry-Pi is a general-purpose computer. That means an Arduino can only run one program at a time while a Raspberry-Pi usually with an operating system so that can run multiple applications. I think that explains it is enough to understand the difference between the Arduino and the Rasberry-Pi. This is my Arduino UNO (ATmega16U2) In this experiment, I am using an Arduino UNO board because I only have that board at this time. My final target is a sending some preloaded commands in the Arduino board to my computer through a USB Cable. In default, this Arduino UNO board is not supported for this kind an activity, so ...
Today I am going to present to you another free time fun project done by me to spend my free time. This is a Spoofed E-Mail Sending tool. Unlike other tools, this tool is using a PHP mail() function to handling E-Mails, so this tool required PHP mail() function enabled hosting service for hosting mail handler. Before using this tool, you must host the two files (index.php and send.php) in the mailhandler folder. This hosting service must have PHP mail() function enabled. Otherwise, this tool won't work. After that, this tool will be asked for the mail handler URL (Only for the first time). So, you have to copy the URL of the hosted send.php file and paste it on the input. How to use this Tool Usage: usage: python3 [-h] [--sN SN] [--sE SE] [--rE RE] [--sub SUB] [--msg MSG] Simple Port Scanner for scanning TCP ports in target hosts optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --sN SN Sender Name (Eg: "John Cena") -...
Today I am going to present to you another free time fun project done by me to spend my free time. This is the IP Address Information Tool (IPAIT). This tool created by using Python language. We can find information about any IPv4 or IPv6 Public IP Address by using this tool. This is a straightforward tool, so I am not going to talk about it inside. This is support for Python3, and you need an Internet connection to run this tool. This tool can extract the following information, Country Location ASN/Organization Time Zone Additionally, you can also obtain the following details by adding suitable lines into the (You can add additional lines after 84th line.) Hostname - print ("Hostname: " + js["hostname"]); City - print ("City: " + js["city"]); Region - print ("Region: " + js["region"]); Postal - print ("Postal: " + js["postal"]); Here are the codes without a...
Today I am going to present to you another free time fun project done by me to spend my free time. This is a TCP Port Scanner. I call it TCP Scanner (TCPS). This is a straightforward program created by using Python version Three. I don't expect to compare this tool with Nmap, so don't expect many features. You can perform TCP port scanning against any host within Intranet, Extranet & Internet by this tool. This tool can scan according to a given port range or a custom port(s) list or an inbuilt default port range. How to use this tool 1. Usage: usage: python3 [-h] [--host HOST] [--default] [--list] [--pL PL [PL ...]] [--range] [--sP SP] [--eP EP] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --host HOST Enter IP address or Hostname --default Use default port range (21, 22, 23, 80, 443) --list Enable port list scanning --pL PL [PL ...] Ports for port list scanning (Eg: --pL 21 22 80) --ran...
Today I am going to explain about another cool experiment done by me. That is a DNS Poisoning (or Spoofing) attack. So let's start, Before the start I like to compare the Phishing attack and the DNS Poisoning attack. As we know Phishing is a well known method armed with Social Engineering to steal sensitive information by using bait (Compromised URL or Link). In the DNS Poisoning, the process is likely same, but not exactly the same. When we are talking about Phishing web pages there is a main weak point, Phishing web pages can not serve under genuine domain addresses, (There are methods by using Cross-site Scripting but I am not going to talk about that.) but when talking about DNS Poisoning, hackers can serve malicious web pages under genuine domain addresses. So that is very hard to identify these kind of attacks. Image Reference: Now I am going to talk about how to perform these...
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